InstaText within Google Docs

Discover how InstaText improves your writing directly in Google Docs. Thanks to the seamless integration, you can easily invoke the InstaText editor to refine the selected text and get real-time improvement suggestions.

InstaText within Google Docs

If you’ve never used InstaText in Google Docs, now is a good time to get started. First, install InstaText for Chrome. Then open any Google Docs document and you are ready to go. InstaText is available right away. You can improve your documents and manuscripts directly in Google Docs!

Simply select the text and click the button to send it for improvement. It’s that easy!

In addition, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd+D to automatically select the nearest paragraph and the InstaText editor opens exactly there in the document.

Why Google Docs?

Google Docs is a free word processing tool that is fully compatible with Word. Users can create, view, and edit documents online and collaborate with colleagues in real time, anywhere.

InstaText within Google Docs
Google Docs is now equipped with InstaText. You can improve your texts in real time.

Consider the following benefits of using InstaText within Google Docs:

  • Compatibility with Word: You can easily open Word documents directly in Google Docs. You can use InstaText for editing and improvements, and download the document in the native Word format.
  • Ease of collaboration: Google Docs allows teams to effortlessly access and edit the same document at the same time.
  • Access your work from any device: You can sign in to your Google account and access your document from any device at any time.
  • Automatic saving: All changes are automatically saved and synced across all devices as you write. View ‘revision history’ to see previous changes to your document and who made them.

Adding InstaText to Google Docs

Google Docs is one of the supported applications of the InstaText browser extension.

With InstaText for Chrome, you can use InstaText within your applications. All functions of InstaText Editor are retained, including Language settings and Personal dictionary.

The browser extension that can be downloaded from the Chrome web store. The browser extension supports all Chromium based browsers: ChromeEdgeBrave, and Opera.

Adding InstaText to your browser is simple and it should take less than a minute.

With InstaText for Chrome, you can use InstaText within your applications. No copy&paste required!

InstaText is now seamlessly integrated into several applications.

All functions of InstaText Editor are retained, including Language settings and Personal dictionary.

Using InstaText within Google Docs

Once InstaText browser extension is installed, you can use InstaText within Google Docs:

  1. Select the text you want to improve.
  2. InstaText button will appear nearby.
  3. Click the button to improve text.

The InstaText editor is displayed next to your text. It is advisable to select one or two paragraphs. You can simply use the key combination Ctrl+D (or Cmd+D on Mac computers) to automatically select the text of the current paragraph.

InstaText provides suggestions and recommendations to make your texts more readable and understandable. Feel free to reject some suggestions – after all, you are the author of your text!


The following features are available to you within the InstaText editor within Google Docs:

Language settings:

  • US or UK English
  • formal or informal tone

Accept or reject suggestions:

  • by clicking directly on suggestions
  • by clicking the buttons above – it is also possible to accept all suggestions at once

Text editing:

  • insert text by typing or pasting
  • delete text

Toggle between Review and Revise mode

  • the Revise mode (default) is meant for editing
  • the Review mode allows you to read the text with all suggestions accepted

Insert or copy text:

  • the Insert button enables you to replace the original text
  • the Copy button copies the text to clipboard

Your Personal dictionary will be taken into account when creating suggestions. You can edit your dictionary in the InstaText Editor online.

InstaText: A comprehensive editing solution

Here you can view some examples on how InstaText improves your texts.

Grammar, punctuation and spelling improvements

These examples are straightforward and illustrate common mistakes:

The datadatas we collected waswere comprehensive.

The impact of climate change ischanges effects are widespread.

We foundfinded a significant difference betweenin the two groups.

Styling and word choice improvements

These examples show improvements in word choice and sentence flow:

When we looked at the data, we noticed an interestingsaw a patternthat was interesting.

Pollution is taking its toll ondoing bad things to our oceans and rivers.

The results provegive proof that our theory was right.

Clarity and conciseness improvements

These examples demonstrate how sentences can be made clearer and more concise:

OurWith respect to our digital campaign,has increasedthere’s a boost in brand awareness.

The changes we have made to the design of our website design have resulted inled to an increase in the time visitors spendspent by visitors on the sitepage.

Sentence and paragraph rewrites

These examples showcase significant changes to sentence and paragraph structure for better readability:

Given the data, there is a high probabilityThere is a significant likelihood, given the data, that our hypothesis is correct.

In our study, it was observedIt was observed in our study that the behavior of dolphins behaved differentlywhen they are in a group thancompared to when they are alonewas different.

Tone and dialect adjustments

Tone and dialect can be adjusted to suit different audiences or contexts. These examples illustrate how American English is transformed into British English:

I didn’t realiserealize your favourite colourfavorite color was blue.

Informal tone → Formal tone

I am sorrySorry, but the delivery will be delayedlate because of the weather.

Personal dictionary

Personal dictionary allows you to retain words and word combinations that are part of your professional language or personal style. This ensures specific terminology is consistently used. It allows you to enter multi-word entries, which is especially handy.

For example, let’s assume that InstaText originally suggested correcting “credit score” to “credit rating”.

The company has a good credit ratingcredit score as its equity ratiopercentage is high.

Both expressions are correct, however, we may have used “credit score” throughout our article and prefer to keep this expression.

We can use Personal dictionary to ensure that this suggestion no longer appears:

The company has a good credit score as its equity ratiopercentage is high.

“InstaText makes your text engaging to read, coherent, and professional-looking. Further, I feel that paragraphs corrected by InstaText look akin to what I see in top marketing and social psychology journals. It is a huge help for an academic writer because rather than focusing on making the text appealing, you can simply focus on what you want to say and build a logically unfolding narration.”

— Michał Folwarczny, Postdoctoral Researcher

The InstaText speed advantage

InstaText is the most productive writing assistant, proofreader and editor you’ve ever worked with. It provides you with high-quality suggestions for improvements just seconds after your mouse click.

Unlike grammar checkers, InstaText gives you a great overview over revised text. You can finalize each paragraph with just a few clicks, because nothing is hidden from you.

“Excellent app, that helps writing to be done rapidly to a high standard, while maintaining pace and momentum at the first draft and beyond.”

— Paul Jenkins, Publisher

Who uses InstaText?

InstaText helps people become more successful by improving their written communication. It is especially useful for academic writing, business proposals, copywriting, marketing materials, and revising translations. People also use InstaText for important emails and other important English texts.

Thanks to InstaText’s advanced AI technology, which has a deep understanding of context and semantics, InstaText goes much further than the grammar and writing assistants you already know and offers completely new possibilities.

Academic writing

Where clarity and conciseness are very important, InstaText adds tremendous value. It helps you make your text easier to read and understand. Many researchers have confirmed that InstaText has helped them to significantly increase acceptance rates and shorten the time to publication.

Try InstaText for Overleaf when working with LaTex documents.

Business communication

Effective written communication is the key to success. InstaText helps you communicate clearly and effectively so that you are understood. InstaText rewrites your text to the level of a native speaker who is highly competent in written communication in English.


Using InstaText is the most productive way to proofread and edit. The editing stage of the writing process is where InstaText is particularly useful. And, as any experienced writer will tell you, the editing is the key to success.

Marketing communication

InstaText makes your texts sound better. It helps you proofread and edit all kinds of content: blog posts, websites, whitepapers, etc. The browser extension is available on all major social media platforms, making your writing stand out. InstaText will boost your productivity.

“Of course, there’s Grammarly, a writing assistant that checks the spelling, grammar, punctuation, and clarity of your writing, corrects common errors, and occasionally gives you suggestions for rewording.  The thing about Grammarly, though, is that it’s a good proofreader, but not an editor. And, as any skilled writer will be happy to tell you, the editing is the secret.”

— Jim Stonos, Writer and Editor

“This looks amazing. As a professor of Neuroscience who has gotten old publishing 75 papers, I wish InstaText were available during my times. Love it.”

Lawrie Rajendran, University Professor

“This is hands down the best tool to spice up your text! We’ve tried everything from Grammarly to Readable, and InstaText beats them all by far. I can’t believe how well it recognizes context. I bought it for a couple of employees whose English isn’t the best, and now they can even write useful SOP manuals – a big cost saver considering we hired translators and copywriters before. Great Chrome extension as well. Works like a charm!”

— Jure Chuk, Business Owner